Sunday, November 16, 2008

Succeed: Education for F R E E

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. A Chinese Proverb

How does the quote relate to what we offer in Mentoring For Free?

Anyone can join any business with the high hopes of having a success in earning a good pay cheque. Not all businesses are the same or equal. Something you and I both know. In actual fact 97% of internet businesses are scams, illegal businesses or you and me the average person will never earn a significant income. There are a few businesses that are set up along the principles of Mentoring For Free’s idea for “Five Pillar Companies”

In our free training you can learn;
· What those five pillars are and why you need them in a business to be successful.
· Personality colors; how to talk to people in a manner that they hear best.
· Training on advertising
· Compensations plans and much more.

So we just help anyone into any business; or we can show people how to choose the right business, give training and mentoring and all at no cost to anyone. Then as the proverb says; you can market your business for life and be successful.

Download our eBook “Success in 10 Steps”.

Betty Williams