Sunday, November 16, 2008

Succeed: Education for F R E E

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. A Chinese Proverb

How does the quote relate to what we offer in Mentoring For Free?

Anyone can join any business with the high hopes of having a success in earning a good pay cheque. Not all businesses are the same or equal. Something you and I both know. In actual fact 97% of internet businesses are scams, illegal businesses or you and me the average person will never earn a significant income. There are a few businesses that are set up along the principles of Mentoring For Free’s idea for “Five Pillar Companies”

In our free training you can learn;
· What those five pillars are and why you need them in a business to be successful.
· Personality colors; how to talk to people in a manner that they hear best.
· Training on advertising
· Compensations plans and much more.

So we just help anyone into any business; or we can show people how to choose the right business, give training and mentoring and all at no cost to anyone. Then as the proverb says; you can market your business for life and be successful.

Download our eBook “Success in 10 Steps”.

Betty Williams


Eddie Garcia said...

Hello Betty,

I think you did a great job with this post. I'm sure the next one will be as good if not better. Getting involved with a 5 pillar company is a must if you plan on succeeding in this business. Thanks for the good information.

Eddie from Georgia

ingrid camacho said...

Hi there Betty,

I really enjoyed your fish story. That is a very important lesson for all of us. I like your style of writing.

Your friend,
Ingrid Camacho

Unique Mentor 01 said...

Hello Betty,

Great post, and great word pictures.

Anyone can join any business but, to have success you need to be educated in the businesses you are looking at, otherwise you are gambling with your and your family's future.

Learning the Five Pillars has saved me many years of failure and frustration. Everyone in any business today needs to know these Five Pillars and how to find them.
